The Campaign for Lancaster Catholic High School
For over 90 years, Lancaster Catholic has been a beacon of hope, academic success, and unrivaled service to our community. Rooted in our vibrant, Catholic tradition, four years at Lancaster Catholic is much more than the classroom experience. That’s why we are excited to advance our mission through these future plans.
It is a transformational call to action for our graduates to cherish their experience at Lancaster Catholic.
It is a commissioning of all of our students to love and serve all people.
It is a call for all who walk through our halls to honor their commitment to be faith-filled leaders.
Our Campaign Objectives
State-of-the-Art STEM Innovation Center
Repurpose existing space to support a brand-new STEM curriculum.
New Flexible Student Commons
Create an attractive area to give students a place to relax, socialize, and study.
Inspiring New Auditorium
A creative arena carved out from existing space to invest in our students' God-given talents.
College-Style Cafeteria
Create a modern cafeteria to better serve our student population.
Leading the Way
Equipping students with an incredible new STEM Innovation Center
Leading the Way
Equipping students with an incredible new STEM Innovation Center
Championing the Arts
Investing in our student’s talents with an inspiring new Auditorium
Championing the Arts
Investing in our student’s talents with an inspiring new Auditorium
Performing Arts Center
Lancaster Catholic’s Fine & Performing Arts Department will take its performances to the next level in this 750-seat auditorium with lowered orchestra pit. This brand new auditorium will also be a multipurpose space for school Masses, guest lectures, and school-wide presentations.
Lancaster Catholic Aerial View
The exterior of Lancaster Catholic will receive a modern face-lift complete with a new curved roofline and a sleek glass facade that will allow for natural light to filter into the new lobby area.
Performing Arts Center Lobby
Students and guests will be welcomed into the Performing Arts Center with a large lobby area that will serve as a gateway to the Auditorium and the Catholic Student Life Center, which will include the collegiate-style Cafeteria and Student Commons.
Performing Arts Center
Launching itself into the 21st century, Lancaster Catholic’s 90-year-old building is being reimagined with a modern twist while preserving the history and culture of Catholic High. The Performing Arts Center will be the home for all of Lancaster Catholic’s school-wide Masses, plays, musicals, and concerts.
Student Commons
The student commons area will feature a completely updated cafeteria space with a collegiate-style food court and check-out counters. An open stairway will lead students to the upper student common area fitted with comfy chairs and access into the newly-designed library. Natural light will be in abundance with a dimensional and dramatic skylight.
Performing Arts Center and Stage
An elevated stage and lowered orchestra pit will be the star in the new auditorium. Stadium seating with plush cushions will allow audiences to have the best viewing experience possible. A sound and lighting control room will be positioned in the back of the auditorium with top of the line equipment.
Classroom Interior
In the STEM Innovation Center, classrooms will be air-conditioned and be fully equipped to meet the needs of 21st-century learners.
Our Crusaders, Our Legacy!
"Catholic High has taught me that I can be more than ‘good enough’. With a little faith and determination anything can be accomplished."
Jisela Teron
Class of 2020
Jisela Teron
Class of 2020
“Since I was in elementary school, I‘ve had a passion for science, and I have always been interested in engineering. With the opportunities that will become available through the new STEM Center, I hope to better prepare myself for higher education in an engineering field.”
Annabelle Kiefer
Class of 2023
Annabelle Kiefer
Class of 2023
“Lancaster Catholic has allowed me to realize that anything is possible. It has made me want to reach for more than what I thought was possible.”
George Brubaker
Class of 2022
George Brubaker
Class of 2022
“This school has challenged me both mentally and spiritually. Lancaster Catholic truly pushes you to be the best version of yourself that you can be.”
Bedei Gbala
Class of 2020
Bedei Gbala
Class of 2020
“Catholic High’s stellar music program and educators influenced my decision to continue my studies as a percussion performance major in college. I received a merit scholarship and joined a studio chaired by a renowned composer in my field thanks to LCHS.”
Grace Asuncion
Class of 2015
Grace Asuncion
Class of 2015
Campaign Updates
For the latest updates on the Cherish Love Honor Campaign, please visit our Campaign Chronicles page.
Campaign ChroniclesOther Resources
Our Progress
$11.9 M
We pledge to you our firm loyalty.
How to Donate
Through Cherish · Love · Honor, we seek support from alumni, parents and the community at large to fulfill these plans and make critical investments in the future of Lancaster Catholic High School. The Culliton Family and The Gunterberg Charitable Foundation have generously pledged a dollar-for-dollar matching gift challenge – up to $1 million - for our campaign!